

Where the Milanese myth of the Plastic Club oncestood, today Casa Tobago welcome its guests.Inspired by the Londoner clubs’ model, Atelier P and@amc_conceptdesign create an unexpected andintimate evening hotspot to forget about the citychaos. The atmosphere expresses a nightly relaxed charm.The light, filtered by soft fixtures and lamps, guidesthe eye carefully selecting the main elements. Thedeliberately exposed systems on the ceiling create acontrast in the environment. The soft fabrics becomethe protagonist, with overlapping vintage objectscommunicate a more contemporary concept. Passing through a door with a bell and a peephole, youcross the threshold of the “Speak Easy” bar: a secret roomwith soft sofas and carpets, lighted up by the faint light ofthe lampshades integrated into the backrests of the sofas.The daytime furnishings that inhabited this space in itsprevious life have been maintained and readapted for adifferent use. In the Rosario Amaia club everything isinspired by the famous muse. Here fringes, velvets, carpetsand wall coverings project the visitor into a different worldthat recalls an old fashion deco atmosphere. English and oriental prints, black and white photos ofthe 70s musical icons, travel diaries and nineteenth-century portraits recall the colonial charm typical ofthe Guest House, mixed with Anglo-Saxon rockreferences. The fil rouge of the interiors is suggestedby the color palette which offers shades of terracottaand green. The furnishings are mostly “tailor made”realized by Atelier P while fabrics and componentsare designed and selected by Alessandro MarioCesario. From the aperitivo to after-dinner, the 280 mq spaceplus 80 mq of set up outdoors is divided into severalareas in line with the food and wine proposal of CasaTobago. Two open kitchens for diners who can sit atthe Alicante red marble counters for a “behind the scenes” look at both the cocktail bar, the grill at theentrance and the adjacent room dedicated to pizza and baked products. The function of eachenvironment guided the architects in the choice offurnishings: the large counter welcomes the guestand invites conviviality on comfortable stools, viceversa the more secluded sofas create intimate corners. Casa Tobago is an unexpected place with a privateand warm mood that envelops the guest offering areal experiential journey, in a renewed neighborhoodthat recently acquired a new modernity. A uniqueenvironment which, thanks to a careful study oflighting objects and colours, makes intimacy its mostprecious characteristic.


  • YEAR : 2023
  • LOCATION : Milano, viale Umbria 122
  • TYPE : Interior
  • ART DIRECTION : Atelier P
  • CLIENT :



Milano, viale Umbria 122




Atelier P